Notarize Mac Apps Built On Windows

  1. Jun 10, 2020  If you want to make an app using Liberica JDK and Java Packager, you should walk through several stages: create a jar file containing your application, generate a bundle and notarize it. For the notarization to be successful, it is necessary to get a special build of Liberica JDK 8u252 for MacOS, which allows creating a signed application that will be notarized.
  2. In Xcode 10 and later, this workflow includes an option to notarize your macOS app automatically. To notarize your app using this workflow, do the following: Open your Xcode project. Create an archive of your app. Open Xcode's Organizer window. In the Archives tab, select the archive you created. Click Distribute App to view the distribution options.
  3. Create Exe inside GMS2. This will build as per usual (ignore Send to Apple via Application Loader in the normal way. This will perform the notarisation and stapling automatically as part of the upload and initial submission process. MacOS VM building for any other form of distribution.
  1. Notarize Mac Apps Built On Windows 7
  2. Notarize Mac Apps Built On Windows 10

Notarize provides legal online notarizations available 24x7. Connect with licensed electronic notaries by live video call. Use any computer or smartphone. Valid nationwide. In order to be notarized, a Mac app must have a Hardened Runtime enabled. Sandboxing is not required (thanks to Matt Massicotte for correction). Jeff Johnson perfectly describes the difference between the two, I highly recommend his article. Free hdd recovery software mac download. So let’s enable both the App Sandbox the Hardened Runtime in the Capabilities tab of our NewMacApp project.

** Please note: WordPress keeps mangling my code examples by changing double dash to single dash. I tried to fix it. But it changed them all back again! If anyone knows how to get around this, please put something in the comments. **

Apple now wants you to ‘notarize’ your software. This is a process where you upload your software to Apple’s server so it can be scanned and certified malware free. This will probably become compulsory at some point, even (especially?) if your software isn’t in the Apple app store. Apple says:

Give users even more confidence in your software by submitting it to Apple to be notarized. The service automatically scans your Developer ID-signed software and performs security checks. When it’s ready to export for distribution, a ticket is attached to your software to let Gatekeeper know it’s been notarized.

When users on macOS Mojave first open a notarized app, installer package, or disk image, they’ll see a more streamlined Gatekeeper dialog and have confidence that it is not known malware.

Note that in an upcoming release of macOS, Gatekeeper will require Developer ID signed software to be notarized by Apple.

Documentation on notarization is a bit thin on the ground, especially if you want to notarize software that wasn’t built using XCode (I build my software using QtCreator). So I am writing up my experiences here.

First you need to ensure you have macOS 10.14 and XCode 10 installed (with command line tools) and you need a current Apple developer account.

Codesign your app with ‘hardened runtime’ using –options runtime :

codesign –deep –force –verify –verbose –sign “Developer ID Application:<developer id>” –options runtime <app file>


codesign –deep –force –verify –verbose –sign “Developer ID Application: Acme Ltd” –options runtime

A ‘hardened runtime’ limits the data and resourced an application can access. I’m not sure what the exact ramification of this are. But it doesn’t seem to have restrict my software from doing anything it could do previously.

Notarize Mac Apps Built On Windows 7

You can check the signing with:

codesign –verify –verbose=4 <app file>



codesign –verify –verbose=4

Now package your app into a .dmg (e.g. using DropDMG). Then upload the .dmg to Apple’s servers:

xcrun altool -t osx -f <dmg file> –primary-bundle-id <bundle id> –notarize-app –username <username>


xcrun altool -t osx -f myApp.dmg –primary-bundle-id com.acme.myapp –notarize-app –username

You will be prompted for your Apple developer password (or you can include it on the command line).

Notarize Mac Apps Built On Windows 10

You now have to wait a few minutes. If the upload is successful “No errors uploading ” will be shown and a unique ID will be returned. You then have to use this to request your upload be scanned:

xcrun altool –notarization-info <notarize ID> -u <username>

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xcrun altool –notarization-info xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx -u

You will be prompted for your Apple developer password (or you can include it on the command line).


Hopefully you will see “Status Message: Package Approved”. If the notarization fails, you should be sent a link to an online log file describing the issue. If the notarization completes successfully you need to ‘staple’ the results to your .dmg:

xcrun stapler staple -v <dmg file>


xcrun stapler staple -v myApp.dmg


The stapler outputs a log including some odd phrases. Mine included: “Humanity must endure”, “Let’s see how that works out. “, “Adding 1 blobs to superblob. What about Blob?” and “Enjoy”. Weird. Hopefully it will end with “The staple and validate action worked!”.

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Finally you can unpack your .dmg into a .app and verify it with:

spctl -a -v <app file>


spctl -a -v /Applications/

On macOS 10.14 (but not earlier OSs) it should say “source=Notarized Developer ID”. Your software should now run on 10.14 without a warning dialog. Congratulations!

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It all seems rather clumsy. As you have to wait asynchronously for the unique ID to be returned from step 1 before you can complete step 2, it is not easy to fully automate in a script. This is a major pain the arse. If anyone works out a way to automate it the whole process, please let me know.

Here are some links to the various posts that I gleaned this information from:

Apple sent the following message out to developers yesterday:

Dear Developer,
We’re working with developers to create a safer Mac user experience through a process where all software, whether distributed on the App Store or outside of it, is signed or notarized by Apple. With the public release of macOS 10.14.5, we require that all developers creating a Developer ID certificate for the first time notarize their apps, and that all new and updated kernel extensions be notarized as well. This will help give users more confidence that the software they download and run, no matter where they get it from, is not malware by showing a more streamlined Gatekeeper interface. In addition, we’ve made the following enhancements to the notarization process.
Legacy code is fully supported, even if it contains unsigned binaries. While new software and updates require proper signatures in order to be notarized, you can upload your existing software as-is.Apps with plugin ecosystems are better supported.Stapler supports all types of bundles and plugins.Xcode 10.2 adds secure timestamps and other code signing options required by the notary service.Related documentation has also been improved. We encourage you to take look at Notarizing Your Apps Before Distribution and Hardened Runtime Entitlements.
If you have any questions, contact us.
Best regards,
Apple Developer RelationsTM and © 2019 Apple Inc.
One Apple Park Way, MS 301-1TEV, Cupertino, CA 95014.
All Rights Reserved | Privacy Policy | Account
If you would prefer not to receive future communications from Apple Developer, you may unsubscribe.

Many organizations have a solution to automate their build process for software and will need to now add submitting an app for notarization to this process. Before you start, there are a few things you should know:

  • This is an automated scan that usually takes about 20 minutes and requires at least the 10.9 macOS SDK.
  • Before submitting, make sure code-signing has been enabled for all executables and that you enabled the Hardened Runtime option.
  • Find a workaround if you’re setting to true for any reason.
  • Make sure to use an Apple Developer ID instead of a local cert from Xcode for apps and kexts. And make sure all code-signing certs have a timestamp when running your distribution workflows in Xcode or if using codesign make sure to add –timestamp.

You can use any tools for the next steps. Because I have a Bamboo setup on my desk, next I’m going to open it and create a command task. To do so:

  • Open the Tasks configuration tab for a job (or default job in a new plan).
  • Click Add Task.
  • Add a Task Description, which is just how the task is described in the Bamboo interface.
  • Uncheck the box to “Disable this task”
  • Provide a path to the command executable, which in this case will be a simple bash script that we’ll call /usr/bambooscripts/ If you’re stringing workflows together you might add other scripts as well (e.g. a per-product script as opposed to a generic script that takes positional parameters for arguments).
  • Provide any necessary Arguments. In this case it’ll just be a simple job but you can reduce the work by adding arguments for processing paths of different products.
  • Provide any necessary Environment Variables. We won’t use any in this project.
  • Provide any necessary “Working Sub Directory” settings, which is an alternative directory rather than using a relative path. If you don’t provide a working sub directory, note that Bamboo looks for build files in the root directory.
  • Click the Save button (as you can see below).

Does safe mode in a mac isolate a crashing app windows 10. Now we’ll need to use scrub with the altool. Here, we’ll use the –notarize-app option and then define the bundle (using the reverse naming convention you’ve always used for the –primary-bundle-id option and then the username and password from your Apple ID linked to your Developer ID and finally the –file which is the zipped output from Xcode.

#!/bin/bash/usr/bin/xcrun/xcrun altool --notarize-app --primary-bundle-id 'com.myorg.myproduct” --username “” --password “icky_passwords“ --file '/Users/krypted/Documents/'

We'll call this script /usr/bambooscripts/ and then let the job pick it up and process it.

Oh funny. I just noticed Rich Trouton posted a writeup on Notarization at I'd read that as well.